Collecting as Modernist Practice

The Nation 

Journal of American Culture



Wallace Stevens Journal

Chicago Review

Ecology without Nature

Art Libraries Society of North America

Journal of Curatorial Studies

Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association

Make it New!:  The Journal of the Ezra Pound Society


Paris, Capital of the Black Atlantic

American Literary History

American Studies

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development


Directed by Allen Smithee

Sight and Sound  - Peter Wollen (November 2001)

Artforum (May 2001) 

Positif (June 2004)

Scope  (May 2004)

Lingua Franca  (May/June 2001)

The Guardian (July 2001)

The Village Voice (July, 2001)

The National Post (Toronto, July 2001)

Le Monde (1997)

Chronicle of Higher Education  (12 Sep 1997)